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Fairmined Certified Mines

Posted on 21 Feb, 2024
Fairmined Certified Mines



The Fairmined standard aims to create opportunites for small-scale miners by promoting the organization and formalization of their operations and the development of their community.

Miners not only learn best practices to mine in a responsible manner by being compliant with progressive categories such as governance, health & safety, labour conditions, management & business model and traceability but they are also empowered through the fair market price of their work and able to improve the wellbeing of their faimilies and extended community through the concerted use of the premium.

According to the Fairmined Premium Report 2022, the Fairmined approach "has ushered sustainability into the achieved improvements by helping to build responsibly commerical alliances between buyers and certified mines, ensuring fair prices for minerals and additional premiums."

Fairmined gold nurtures certified miners to become technically, economically, environmentally and socially feasable, sustainable businesses in their own right, providing them with a sustainable livelihood.


The Fairmined Standard was developed by the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM), a non-profit organization globally recognised as a leader and pioneer of responsible artisanal and small scale mining. Fairmined transforms mining into an active force for good, ensuring social developement and environmental protection.